
Grantees Table

GrantNameHome InstituteGrant TitleDownload
STSMMikaela PapaPolytechneio Kritis, ELMapping and Synthesizing Decision-Support Tools for Mediterranean Climate Adaptation
ITCSergio BarbosaUniversidade de Coimbra, PTInternational Conference Citizens and the State During and After Crises
VMMiguel Ángel Casquet CanoComplutense University of Madrid, ESDeveloping a framework for climate adaptation and decision-support tools
VMFerlanda LunaUniversidade de Coimbra, PTTarget Groups in Stakeholder Mapping
VMFatma Handan GirayEskişehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU) - ESOGU Faculty of Agriculture, TRBuilding comprehensive approaches to stakeholder engagement in mitigating climate change effects to agriculture
VMAyşe Kalaycı ÖnaçIzmir Katip Celebi Universitesi, TRIn-Depth Analysis of Case Studies and Best Practices in Climate Change Adaptation Decision Support Tools
VMEsra PerGazi Universitesi, TRClimate Change Awareness in Mediterranean Ecosystems through Citizen Science in Türkiye