The Mediterranean region, a climate change hotspot The Mediterranean suffers the consequences of climate change a higher pace than other areas. Extreme drought as climate hazard Impacts of extreme drought are affecting mediterranean agriculture and food supply. Stronger impacts from more destructive cyclones Mediterranean Cyclones causing devastating impacts in Mediterranean societies. Devastating
Stronger and more frequent flash flood events threatening lives, cities, infrastructures and economy.
FutureMed will bridge the gap between climate science and impacts on societies to raise climate change impact awareness and better preparedness.
Extreme heat increasing
health risk
Rising temperatures reached records, as climate change makes heatwaves more extreme producing unparalleled consequences on public health and agricultural systems.
Extreme marine
Breaking Marine heatwaves and sea-level rise pose grave threats to marine ecosystems and continental areas.
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About Us

FutureMed will foster new climate change-related science and synergies serving as a transdisciplinary and integrative platform effectively connecting scientific knowledge on high-impact weather (HIW) events and climate change impacts with stakeholders from priority socio-economic sectors such as energy supply and demand, agriculture, health and migration.

For the first time, an Action coordinates a platform where scientific communities, key stakeholders and citizens can interact for the ends of promoting climate change impacts awareness, establishing future research priorities, and building capacities based on knowledge exchange in a living lab.

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Our Working Groups

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1. Hazards and socio-economic impacts in weather and climate scales

WG1 aim is to comprehend climate and weather hazards, both natural and anthropogenically induced, and establish connections to socio-economic impacts across various spatial and temporal scales in a timely manner.

2. Climate adaptation decision and support tools

WG2 aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how existing climate adaptation tools can be effectively applied to tackle climate change challenges in the Mediterranean region.

3. Stakeholder and citizens’ engagement for inclusive climate adaptation

The overall aim of WG3 is to ensure strong cross-sectoral engagement from policy-makers, decision-makers, companies, citizens and researchers and between different Mediterranean countries in co-defining outputs and tools for climate change adaptation.

4. Capacity building and Dissemination

The main goal of this WG is to support the network activities effectively delivering the results of the Action. It bridges the gap between climate science and society, focusing on the Mediterranean region, a critical climate change hotspot facing cascading environmental and socioeconomic challenges. WG4 is dedicated to capacity building, dissemination and scientific communication, with a focus on fostering collaboration with stakeholders in key socio-economic sectors.
