Structure Management

Action Contacts

Dr. Samira Khodayar Pardo

Action Chair

Mediterranean Centre for Environmental Studies (CEAM)

Dr. Emmanouil Flaounas

Action Vice Chair

Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH)


Dr. Samira Khodayar Pardo

Grant Holder Scientific Representative

Mediterranean Centre for Environmental Studies (CEAM)

Prof. Sonia Quiroga

Science Communication Coordinator

Universidad Complutense De Madrid

Dr. Maria Hatzaki

Grant Awarding Coordinator

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Dr. Davide Faranda

WG1 Leader


Dr. Aristeidis Koutroulis

WG2 Leader

Technical University of Crete

Dr. Sandra Ricart

WG3 Leader

Politecnico Di Milano

Dr. Virginia Hernanz

WG4 Leader

Alcalá University

Working Group 01

Dr. Davide Faranda

WG1 Leader


Dr. Francesca Costabile

WG1 Co-Leader

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Dr. Ana María Vicedo Cabrera

WG1 Co-Leader

University of Bern

Working Group 02

Dr. Aristeidis Koutroulis

WG2 Leader

Technical University of Crete

Dr. Elisa Savelli

WG2 Co-Leader

Regional Water Security and Climate Advisor for the MENA and Europe

Mercy Corps

Working Group 03

Dr. Sandra Ricart

WG3 Leader

Politecnico Di Milano

Dr. Jane Mills

WG3 Co-Leader

University Of Gloucestershire

Prof. Julie Ingram

WG3 Co-Leader

University Of Gloucestershire

Working Group 04

Dr. Virginia Hernanz

WG4 Leader

Alcalá University

Prof. Imke Hoppe

WG4 Co-Leader

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Additional Roles

Prof. Fatma Handan Giray

International coordination

Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture

Eskisehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU), Türkiye

Dr. Meryem Tanarhte

International coordination

Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Mohammedia

University Hassan II (Casablanca), Morocco

Dr. Aris Koutroulis

Aris Koutroulis is Associate Professor at the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the Technical University of Crete. His academic work focuses on climate change, hydrological extremes (floods and droughts) and water security at both regional and global scales. His interdisciplinary research combines hydroclimatological science with climate adaptation practices.

Aris holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from the Technical University of Crete. He has been recognized among the top 2% of scientists globally in environmental engineering from 2019 to 2023 and his contributions have been instrumental to several IPCC Special Reports, including those on 1.5°C Global Warming, Climate Change and Land, and the 2022 report on Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability.

Aris serves as an Associate Editor of the Climate Services Journal, focusing on hydroclimatology, environmental hydraulics, hydrological extremes, climate change impacts and adaptation, and water resources. He served as contributing author for the Water Chapter of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) and a Lead Author for the Water chapter of the Mediterranean First Assessment Report by MedECC. His teaching areas include hydrology, hydraulics and climate change. He also  contributes to the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP) for the Global Water sector.

Dr. Sandra Ricart

Sandra Ricart is Assistant Professor at the Environmental Intelligence for Global Change Lab, at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering of the Politecnico di Milano. As human-environment geographer, she delves into climate change perceived impacts and adaptive capacity through stakeholder analysis and behavior modelling, and water management and governance in socio-ecological systems from social-learning and risk analysis. 

Sandra holds a PhD in Geography – Experimental Sciences and Sustainability from the University of Girona in 2014. She performed different postdoctoral stays at the University of Alicante, Università degli Studi di Milano, Politecnico di Milano, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, and Wageningen University and Research, and was visiting professor at the Landcare Research Centre in New Zealand and the University of California Los Angeles. She serves as Associate Editor of International Journal of Water Resources Development, PLOS One, and Cogent Social Sciences. Dr. Ricart was expert evaluator of research programs promoted by the European Commission, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, the Swedish Council for Sustainable Development, the Latvian Council of Science, and the Dutch Research Council. Since 2018 she is adjunct assistant professor in two MSc programs on natural risks and water management at the University of Alicante. In 2022 she received the I3 Program Certificate of Outstanding Research Trajectory by the Spanish State Research Agency and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Dr. Elisa Savelli

Elisa Savelli is an experienced researcher, advisor, and practitioner specializing in the nexus between water, politics, environment, and climate change. Currently, she advises organizations on navigating water security, water resources management, climate resilience and adaptation, WASH development, and humanitarian assistance. As a practitioner, Elisa has designed and coordinated humanitarian water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions in West Africa and the Middle East.

Her academic work focuses on climate change, disaster risks, water security, pro-poor water services, and policy implementation in Southern and Eastern Africa. Her interdisciplinary research draws upon the political ecology of land, water, and vulnerability, as well as hydroclimatological science.

Elisa holds a PhD in Environmental Analysis from Uppsala University in Sweden, an MSc in Water Resource Management from the UNESCO IHE Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands, and a Master of Engineering in Engineering Management from the University of Bologna in Italy.