Julie Ingram and Jane Mills co-leads for WG3 hosted a meeting in Cheltenham University of Gloucestershire in July 2024.
The meeting was held in support of WG task 3.1 activities. Nine WG3 members participated in person and there were eight online participants. The overall aim was to support delivery of WG3: Stakeholder and citizens’ engagement for inclusive climate adaptation, specifically Task 3.1.
The main meeting objectives were:
- Develop a framework suitable for FutureMed stakeholder mapping for main categories, criteria and boundaries of SHs mapping for engagement (including cross sectorial and cross scale inputs)
- Propose and agree methods suitable for FutureMed stakeholder mapping
- Undertake stakeholder mapping
The meeting met its objectives and co-designed and tested a stakeholder framework and started the mapping process. The framework has since been refined and has been shared with all members. It provides the basis for stakeholder engagement for FutureMed.

Discussion on stakeholder mapping framework

In person participants in the WG3 meeting