From 17 to 20 September, the WG1 and Coordination meeting was successfully held at the Sorbonne in Paris, organised by Davide Faranda.
During the WG1 meeting, participants developed a comprehensive list of key case studies to guide future collaborations. The coordination meeting included insightful scientific presentations by Alicia Pérez-Porro and Adriana Clivillé from CREAF on “Scientific Diplomacy in the Mediterranean” and “Scientific Communication in the Mediterranean”. This was followed by a discussion on the expectations of each member of the working group. Maria Hatzaki and Meryem Tanarhte contributed valuable insights on grant coordination and international cooperation respectively.
We would like to thank the project coordinators, Samira Khodayar and Emmanouil Flaounas, for their key role in guiding the discussions and fostering collaboration among the participants.